Tidetech Van Diemen’s Land Circumnavigation Cruise 2024

If a challenging 800 nautical mile cruise-in-company around Tasmania with experienced, friendly people appeals to your sense of adventure, then don’t delay in registering your interest in this truly unique and unforgettable event.

The spectacular coastline of Tasmania is a superb natural environment for birds and sea-life, as well as for people who enjoy sailing or motor-cruising! The Van Diemen’s Land Circumnavigation (VDL-C) cruise includes beach barbecues, visits to friendly fishing ports and yacht clubs along the way, with plenty of time to explore scenic inlets, rivers and harbours; and to relax in uncrowded anchorages in some of Tasmania’s most remote and beautiful national parks and world heritage areas.

This, the 16th such cruise, is open to seaworthy vessels with an overall hull-length exceeding 30 feet (9.15 metres) that meet cruise safety standards and crew experience requirements. The entry fee of $A650 includes a comprehensive cruise manual full of all kinds of useful cruising information, the latest edition of the Tasmanian Anchorage Guide, a Tasmanian national parks pass, a cruise flag and commemorative plaque, 2 complimentary tickets to the end-of-cruise dinners in Hobart & Geelong, as well as fishing, tourism and victualling information.

Visit the website https://ryct.org.au/vdl-c-cruise-2024/ for further information about the cruise, including background information, a cruise plan, safety and crew experience requirements, and an expression-of-interest entry form.