COVID-19 UPDATE – 3rd Aug 2020

Dear Members

Once again I write regarding the Covid-19 restrictions which apply to boating.

From 6pm yesterday, a State of Disiaster for Victoria has been declared.

The DHHS website contains the following as applicable to Greater Melbourne – including the Mornington Peninsula: see DHHS WEBSITE

  • “I live in metropolitan Melbourne – what exercise is permitted?

  • You can exercise outside within 5km of your home. This means you can still walk, cycle, run, do yoga or a workout in the park.
  • All indoor and outdoor sport facilities are closed.
  • You can exercise in your home – by joining a virtual exercise class or following an online workout. For more information visit: VicHealth – How exercise can help during coronavirus.
  • I live in metropolitan Melbourne – can I go fishing or play golf?

  • No. From 6pm on Sunday 2 August, you can no longer leave home for recreational activities including fishing, hunting, golf, boating, or recreational flying.”

Gavin Wall, CEO of Australian Sailing in Victoria has stated the following:

  • ” The Premier has announced changes to Melbourne’s restrictions as well as changes to regional restrictions for at least the next six weeks until Sunday 13 September. While I do not have the definitive outcome for sailing as yet, I would advise that all sailing in Melbourne ceases as of today until further notice”

Unfortunately, it is clear that no boating activity is allowed until 13 September 2020 (at the earliest).

This will be a great disappointment to all of us, but as we are Aussies, we can handle it!

Remember, sing out if you need a hand – we can help you if we know.


During this lockdown period, why not take the opportunity to upskill – or just refresh your boating knowledge?

ORCV courses in Navigation (on-line) are available at:

AUSTRALIAN SAILING courses are available at:

RYA online courses (recognised by Australian Sailing) are available here:

PACIFIC SAILING SCHOOL (on-line) are available at:

FLYING FISH (on-line) courses are available her:

One thing is for sure – many of us now dont have the excuse of “no time” on our hands to do such courses!


We will be scheduling a Zoom Social in the next few weeks – so watch this space!

All the best, and keep safe!

John Hall
