Dear Members

I sought clarity from Gavin Wall, Australian Sailing (Regional Manager Victoria) and received this late yesterday afternoon:

I have just come off a conference call with Government and the Marine industry. They have been very clear that someone can not travel outside the 5KM radius to check on a vessel under the ‘essential matters” component of the dot point you raise. People should talk to the marina staff to get them to check on their vessels or talk to someone who lives within the 5KM radius.

Sorry but they were very clear on this.”

I have written to Gavin suggesting that this means that many of us who live more than 5 km from our mooring will not be able to check our boats.

I expressed the view that there is no “Marina Staff” as such at Hidden Harbour, and that Security would not know whether a particular boat was properly moored as they generally would not have sufficient knowledge to know. Further, they would be unable to enter boats to check that bilge pumps are operative and batteries are charged.

I also expressed the view that:

It make no sense that I may go into a supermarket, where hundreds of people go, with no tracing ability as to whom I come into contact with there, even though I use the Covid App on my phone as only contacts of 15 minutes or more are recorded, yet I am not allowed to travel in a car, by myself, to enter a gate to my Marina Arm by myself, accessed by only 30 or 40 owners of boats, where all entry and exit is traceable by keycard and CCTV, to walk to my boat, observing social distancing, wearing a mask, jump on board, carry out a visual check, then return home, alone in my car being Covid safe on my return by discarding my mask, and washing my hands etc.

I asked that Gavin point this out to those with whom he spoke. I will advise of any reply.

I have also written to Cambridge Management Services to ask what arrangements they have in place to ensure boats are safely and securely moored. I will also report any reply.

In the interim, I suggest that we will need to help each other by  those of us who are able to check boats  being willing to cast an eye over other member’s boats when doing so. If any issues are observed, if you know the member, let them know. If unsure, contact me at and I can ensure that they are contacted.

I also suggest that you may wish to take this issue up with your local member of State Parliament who may be contacted here:

Melina Bath – MLC Eastern Victoria

Jeff Bourman – MLC Eastern Victoria

The Hon. Jane Garrett – MLC Eastern Victoria, Parliamentary Secretary for Jobs

The Hon Edward O’Donohue – shaddow A-G

Ms Harriet Shing – MLC Eastern Victoria

Mr Chris Brayne – MLA Nepean

There is little more that I can do.

I know that it is unacceptable that whilst we as marina pen owners or occupiers have a legal (contractual) duty to ensure the safety of our boats, and as part of our insurance contract, Insurance may be voided if we do not ensure the sagety and security of our boats, we are (as advised) by law not allowed to travel more than 5km to do so.

We do live in challenging times!

I will report more when I know more.

Stay safe, and lets make sure that those of us who can lawfully travel to check our boats keep an eye open for those of us who cannot.


John Hall