Successful 2023 MCYS Annual General Meeting: Welcome New Committee Members and Expanded Sub-Committees!

We are delighted to announce that the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Martha Cove Yacht Squadron (MCYS) was successfully held on the 21st of July. This year’s AGM marked a significant milestone for MCYS, as it brought big changes to the club’s Committee, with the appointment of a new Commodore (Gareth Davies), Rear Commodore Sail (John Hall), Rear Commodore Power (Geoff Steele) and Secretary (Lizzy Shanley) and the expansion of several Sub-Committees.

The General Committee was confirmed for 2023/2024 as:

  • Commodore – Gareth Davies
  • Vice Commodore – Michelle Brien
  • Rear Commodore – Power – Geoff Steele
  • Rear Commodore – Sail – John Hall
  • Treasurer – Pam Hall
  • Secretary – Lizzy Shanley
  • General Committee – Clare Murphy, Rex Over, James Martin, Ian Stewart, Bill Wilson


Welcoming New Committee Members

The MCYS AGM finished with warm greetings from outgoing Commodore John Hall to the newly elected committee members, who bring a diverse range of skills and experiences to the Committee. With their passion for MCYS and dedication to supporting the members, we are confident they will play a crucial role in shaping the future of MCYS and the boating communities it serves.


Expanded Sub-Committees

One of the major highlights of the AGM was the announcement of the expansion of several Sub-Committees. These Sub-Committees serve as essential pillars of MCYS, focusing on specific areas to ensure a comprehensive approach to club activities.

1. Power Sub-Committee

The Power Sub-Committee, responsible for overseeing Powerboating activities, has been expanded significantly. Recognizing the importance of the Powerboat community within MCYS, the Sub-Committee now headed by Rear Commodore Power Geoff Steele includes members Clare Murphy, Ian Stewart & Bill Wilson. A bigger sub-committee is a great step forward for MCYS members.

2. Social Sub-Committee

The Social Sub-Committee has also undergone significant expansion and we were thrilled to see such enthusiasm of a much bigger social sub-committee. Many hands make light work! This committee will focus on promoting and organising MCYS events through a range of activities. The Social Sub-Committee will actively engage with members and is headed by Vice Commodore Michelle Brien. Social Sub-Committee members are: Lizzy Shanley, Kathleen Steele, Vivienne Carroll and Marilyn Wilson.


Looking Ahead

As we embark on this new chapter, MCYS remains steadfast in its mission to create an inclusive club focused on Power, Sail and Social.

Whilst we look to the next year in excitement, it would be remise of me not to again thank John Hall on his steadfast leadership of MCYS, particularly through the COVID years. John took on a huge workload and kept the club on track whilst we all tried to just manage through it. MCYS is on a great course thanks to his expert helmsmanship!

With these positive developments and a passionate team of members, MCYS is poised to make a springboard to the next level.

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting opportunities to get involved with MCYS as we move forward together!

Join us on our social media platforms to stay connected via the MCYS Member Virtual Clubhouse on Facebook or via

Commodore – Gareth Davies