The General Committee has determined once again, given the disjointed season we have encountered so far, and the uncertainty etc, that we will discount membership fees by 50% for the 2021/2022 season.
Member fee invoices will be sent out shortly, and the due date for payment will be deferred until end December 2021; and
If any member would prefer to enter into a payment plan in respect of fees, this may be done by contacting our treasurer by clicking this link: EMAIL THE TREASURER
This means that fees will be payable by the end December 2021 and be valid until fees are set in July 2022:
Foundation Members are entitled to a 10% discount on all membership fees payable.
IF YOU would like to support MCYS, you are most welcome to pay the non-discounted fee, and the additional 50% will be put in the MCYS Foundation Fund for the future of the club!