What’s on NEXT?

Sat 26 Nov –                  Geelong Destination – MYC/MCYS Distance race and PB Cruise to Geelong – with overnight stay on Saturday night


Friday 2 Dec –                MCYS Member Night & Education – GPS 101 – learn the basics of GPS Navigation – Do’s and Dont’s – Tips Tricks & Pitfalls – almost every boat has one, many of us have a navigation program on our phone – but do we get the best out of them? Find out at our member night 4 November – venue TBA.


Wednesday 7 Dec –       MCYS Golf at Valley Golf, Sports and Leisure followed by our Members’ Social Night and get together at “The Valley” club house from 6 pm including dinner for those who wish to stay. RSVP to social@mcys.com.au


Sat 10 Dec –                   Navigator’s Trophy – MCYS/MCYS Distance race which tests navigation skills of weather, and tide – which way to go around the course? The race is a great test of skills and tours the southern part of the Bay.


ALL upcoming events are on the MCYS website under “Events”