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From the Commodore – Season Update

Published 15th Mar 2020

Dear Members

After much discussion and deliberation amongst the Flag Officers, we have determined to CANCEL further Squadron events which bring members together either with each other, or in a social atmosphere.

This means that the SPORT PHILLIP TWILIGHT SERIES, and the BATTERY WORLD MORNINGTON Summer series have been cancelled, and there will be no further squadron races until further notice.

This also means that the SOCIAL get-togethers at MARTHA’S TABLE on Wednesday nights have also been cancelled.

Unfortunately, this also means that the planned Inaugural Combined Cruise to WYNDHAM has also been cancelled as a Squadron event. (this means that if any member still wishes to go to Wyndham, they can feel free to do so, but there will be no MCYS organised events or gatherings there.)

We have taken this action as many of our members are in the high risk category in respect of Covid-19 either because of existing health issues such as Asthma, or because of their age.

We believe that what we have done in cancelling further events is the responsible way to respond to the current health situation facing us all.

We have read what Australian Sailing (CEO Ben Houston) writes about the issue here A.S Latest which refers to the Federal Government’s website here “Advice for Organising Public Gatherings”.

Looking at the Federal Government’s website, this is what is said:

Based on what we know about coronaviruses, those most at risk of serious infection are:

  • people with compromised immune systems (such as people who have cancer)
  • elderly people
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (as they have higher rates of chronic illness)
  • people with chronic medical conditions
  • people in group residential settings
  • people in detention facilities

Although there is no definition, of “elderly”, in other media, people over 65 years old are identified as “high” risk.

Many, if not the majority of our members fall into this age category.

Regarding public gatherings, the Federal Government website also refers to a downloadable guide for organising public gatherings here Organising Public Gatherings.

Because we are advised that transmission can occur person to person before symptoms appear, on a sensible Risk Assessment, the only real way to minimise the risk is to not expose members to close contact with other people who may have the virus.

Further, we cannot control who else attends public places such as Martha’s Table, and we do not know what risk there may be be in that environment which we have no control over.

We hope and trust that members understand and support the actions we have taken, on the best available advice, and out of an abundance of caution to minimise the risk to our members.

We will no doubt provide further updates in due course.

We live in interesting times!

John Hall – Commodore