2020 Annual General Meeting & Elections

DATE: 26th Aug 2020

Members of the Martha Cove Yacht Squadron Inc. are hereby notified of:

  1. Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) – 2020 
  2. Nomination being called for election of Flag Officer – Rear Commodore-Power (Casual Vacancy)
  3. Nominations being called for election of not less than 4 and not more than 6 General Committee Members (Biennial election)

Our MCYS Constitution is such that Officers and General Committee terms are two years, but elections are staggered so that in each year there is an election for either General Committee members or Flag and other officers (Secretary and Treasurer). This year, it is the General Committee elction year, and members elected will hold office for two (2) years. Next year at the 2021 AGM, the Flag and other Officers will be up for election.

There are up to six (6) General Committee members to be elected pursuant to the Constitution.

This year we also have a causal vacancy in a Flag-officer position – Rear Commodore – Power.

NOMINATIONS ARE HEREBY CALLED to fill the positions of:

  1. Flag Officer – Rear Commodore-Power (Casual Vacancy)
  2. Not less than 4 and not more than 6 General Committee Members

The Nomination form is found here:  NOMINATION FORM 

The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2020, is to be held Via ZOOM conferencing Friday the 18th September 2020 at 6.30pm (1830 Hrs).

Notice of AGM is found here:  NOTICE OF AGM 2020 – 18 September 2020

Minutes of the previous (2019) AGM are to be found here:  2019 AGM Minutes

The ZOOM link to join the meeting has been sent to all members by email.

Under our Constitution, Members entitled to vote may appoint a PROXY to vote on their behalf at the AGM.

The proxy form must be received before 5pm on 17 September 2020 to be valid.

The Proxy form is found here:  PROXY FORM


  1. Nomination forms must be received by the Secretary no later that 5pm Thursday 10th September 2020.
  2. Any General Business to be considered at the AGM, must be submitted to the Secretary no later than 5pm Thursday 10th September 2020.
  3. If there are no more nominations received  than positions to be filled, there will not need to be any election. If an election is necessary for any position, details of the election will be notified prior to the AGM.

I will be circulating the 2019/2020 Financial Reports and Internal Auditor’s Statement and other reports prior to the AGM via email.

This is your opportunity to serve either on the General Committee or as Rear Commodore – Power – to shape the future of MCYS.

If you wish to discuss any position I encourage you to contact any one of the current Flag Officers, or Secretary or Treasurer or General Committee whose contact details are available on the MCYS website here:  mcys.com.au

If you need help with ZOOM – call me on 0429 313 211, or V.C. – Gareth Davies on 0403 438 172, or Secretary – Liz Murgia on 0402 762 354

We have some great events – sailing, power, combined and social planned for 20/21 – just as soon as we are out of the current lock-down!

Fair Winds

John Hall – Commodore